Instructor tools

This page covers the tools available to instructors to help them facilitate their virtual and in-person events. These tools include messaging, raised hands, and user management through the dashboard.

Setting up your Live event

How to create a live event and enable Instructor tools

  • Go to “Share Content” in main menu > Select Invites

  • Now add a new invite. Push "Create" in the top right to add a new event

  • Begin creating your invite

    • Choose “Live Event” as the invite type

    • Name your Event

    • Add description if desired

    • Add your tracks

  • Enable the instructor tools, by checking the box in the instructors tools section

  • Finish creating your invitation & save

  • Your live event is now ready. You as the instructor can access the dashboard at anytime. To give other instructors access to your dashboard you must add them to invite.

How to add instructors/team members to an invite so they can access the dashboard?

  • Select the invite you want them to have access to

  • Now click the "Avatar" icon next to the "Edit invite" button at the top of the screen

  • Select “Add team member” and search for the user you want to add. They will now have access to the invitation and dashboard.

Using the instructor dashboard

To access the dashboard: Go to your invite > in the top right corner, select the "Go to live dashboard" button in top right corner

  • Attendance: See who joined and is participating in your event

  • Track progress and identify who needs help: See users’ current step and if they need help (help indicators)

  • Communicate with users: Either through a group broadcast message or create a direct message

  • Take control of users’ track: You can open the users track/lab yourself & perform actions for them. Learners must refresh to see results of your actions

  • Users activity details: Review logs of the users’ actions & their sandbox details

Below is a breakdown of the dashboard

Help indicators

These are statuses that suggest learners need assistance. Learners with more than 1 status suggest a greater need for help.

Raised hand: Learner is signalling for an instructors attention. This could be they have a question or they are stuck.

Failed attempts: If your challenge has check scripts, each time a user fails to pass their active challenge the attempt will show. Learners who have multiple failed attempts are likely stuck and need help.

Inactive: If the learner has not done anything inside the lab for >5 min. This can be because the learner is listening to your presentation, stepped away for a moment, or given up on the lab. Combine inactive with other statuses to give yourself a more rounded picture of the user.

Messages: Users who are sending messages are likely stuck and unable to proceed.


Message learners directly in the lab so they don’t need to switch screens and lose the immersive experience of your training content.

Broadcast message: Send messages to the entire group. All instructors can message the group. Learners can not message in the group thread YET.

Direct message: Instructors can talk directly with learners. Learners can also start conversations with the instructor. All students send messages to instructors in general. Direct threads are shared by instructors. Instructor A will see the same thread with the learner as instructor B.

Message content: The chat function supports plain text, code blocks, and some markdown formatting.

Styling: Currently only text, emojis and code blocks are supported. Stay tuned for images and video support

  • bold = **xyz**

  • italic = *xyz*

  • Code block: use the code block to share code snippets. Code blocks automatically include “line numbers” and a “copy code” button.

What your learners see

This is what your learners will see while using the track (lab).


Can I see users screen without taking control?

No not YET. Screen sharing is coming in Q4 2024

Can multiple instructor use the same dashboard?

Yes any instructor who is added to your Live event invite, can access the dashboard and use its features

Is the dashboard in real-time?

Currently the dashboard updates every 5 seconds. This will change to real-time updates by end of Q4 2024

Last updated