Copy a Track from One Organization to Another via CLI

If you have multiple Instruqt organizations or teams and you want to copy an Instruqt track from one to another you can do this with the duplicate option per track in the Instruqt UI or you can do so using the CLI. The CLI process involves pulling the track from the source organization, modifying the track's owner in the track.yml file, and then pushing the track to the target organization.

Here is the step-by-step process:

  1. Set the working directory to the source organization by running the following command:

instruqt config set team <source-org>

Replace <source-org> with the name of the source organization.

  1. Pull the track from the source organization:

instruqt track pull <track-name>

Replace <track-name> with the name of the track you want to copy.

  1. Open the track.yml file in a text editor and change the owner field from the source organization to the target organization.

owner: <target-org>

Replace <target-org> with the name of the target organization.

  1. Push the track to the target organization. Make sure you are within the directory structure of the track when you run the following command:

instruqt track push

Please note that the instruqt config set team command is only used for pulling tracks and doesn't impact the pushing of tracks. The organization/team is embedded in the track.yml file under the "owner" field.

Last updated